Approval to apply for and receive grant funds from the Crown Point Community Foundation for AP Exam Scholarships - $5,000.00 from the Foundation to support student participation on the College Board’s Advanced Placement exams for Crown Point High School. The funds offset the exam cost for qualifying students to earn post-secondary credits and meet a graduation requirement.
2024 CPCSC Summer School Programming - includes approval for CPHS summer school classes and credit recovery, middle/elementary summer school programs, and the Special Education Extended-School-Year program.
Disposition of Revised and Obsolete Curricular Material - disposing of outdated social studies curricular materials due to new materials, classes no longer offered, or online only materials being used.
Resolution #843 - Literacy Grant Supplemental Payment - Distribution to teachers, instructional coaches, and other school staff responsible for implementing and delivering literacy and reading instruction of students through grade three as part of House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1001-2023. Will be on the March 20 pay for those who are receiving this.
Policy Additions and Revisions - Second Reading and Approval - recommended updates to board policy as suggested by ISBA including purchasing, federal grants, conflicts of interest, and other grant funds.
Student Fees - Charging students for replacement of lost or damaged materials that are already provided by the district. Continuing to waive our tuition for our preschool students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. This has been the model since the program’s inception.
Crown Point High School, Jerry Ross, Lake Street, Timothy Ball, Col. Wheeler and Winfield Furniture Award - part of the ongoing capital improvement projects. Furniture will be updated at each of these locations. The capital projects are funded through the sale of bonds, with no tax rate increase to residents.
Policy Additions and Revisions - First Reading - ISBA provides policy updates three times each year. Changes in policy are required due to changes in state and federal law. These updates include revisions, updates, and a deletion.
Director of Elementary Education - Mr. Ciochina gave an update on NWEA data. Math and reading scores are showing growth from the last two years.
Director of Secondary Education - Mrs. Ramirez gave an update on middle school and high school test data. Last year’s graduation rate at CPHS was 98.3%. 1,030 students were enrolled in AP courses, and took more than 1400 tests collectively. 2,300 credits offered in the last two years for CTE courses. 7,000 dual credits for college were earned over the last two years.
Director of Grants/Assessments - Mr. Hardman gave an update regarding different demographic groups regarding assessment data. He reminded everyone that when dividing students into sub groups, we must be cautious to not label students by a single area or with a single test score.
Assistant Superintendent - Mr. Gianfermi reviewed how the curriculum team discusses and uses data to inform student instruction and teacher support. Congrats to the speech team and their performance at Sectionals. CPHS theater’s play The Giver begins March 8th. This Thursday is the last Exceptional Education basketball game at 6 pm.
Chief Human Resources Officer - Thank you as well to Cheryl Emery who substitutes in our front offices as needed and has been a great team member for us, even after she retired last year.
Director of Communications - Thank you to local businesses CarStar and Community Stroke and Rehab who hosted our team to film Super Things videos about our intern program.
Superintendent of Schools - A big thank you to the many adults who help sponsor, support, and chaperone the many trips we take throughout the district every week. Our students travel to many places throughout the year, and it takes so many adults in our community to make those happen.
Other Business of the Board of School Trustees
Mr. Vassar gave a legislative update. In the current session, quite a few bills have been removed from the list of potential bills for this season. Another update will be available at the end of March.
Board Statements of Appreciation and Recognition
Ms. Bazin - Elementary schools held their NEHS inductions over the last few weeks. Kudos to the teachers and students for all of their work as each event was special.
Mr. Smith - Congrats to the CPHS Varsity Dance team on their two-time national championship. Kudos to the communications team for their Super Things series. Congrats to CPHS gymnastics who won sectionals, and to CPHS Science Olympiad who are moving on to state. Great job to Mr. Bunda’s class at Wheeler Middle School for their mock trial event.
Mr. Angel - Thank you to our food service team and Michele Kral, our catering manager. They handle all of the food for special events and groups and consistently provide a great experience for visitors.