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Planning Timelines and Checklists


January 18 - January 29

Students are encouraged to explore course descriptions and course catalogue, which can be found by clicking on "Scheduling Information" located below.

January 29 - February 2

Current 11th grade students will meet with their counselors.
Current 10th grade students will meet with their counselors.
February 12-16 Current 9th grade students will meet with their counselors.


Current 8th grade students:

On Wednesday February 21, 2024, Crown Point High School hosted an orientation night for the families of incoming-freshmen students. During this orientation, information was shared regarding high school credits, diplomas, and the scheduling process. Additionally, there was information presented about Advanced Placement and Dual Credit classes. If you were not able to attend, below are resources from the for your review. If you have further questions, please reach out to your freshman student’s CPHS guidance counselor or Vince Bauters (219-663-4885 Extension 11016).

Incoming Freshman Orientation Packet

Incoming Freshman Orientation Presentation

AP + DC Orientation Presentation

February 26-March 1: Middle school students meet with CPHS counselors 1 on 1 to choose courses. 




2024-2025 Scheduling