Incoming Freshmen
Welcome to Crown Point High School’s Freshman Programming. CPHS has organized the freshman experience to include administrative, guidance, and faculty team members who are dedicated to meeting the unique needs of underclassmen while creating the feeling of a school-within-a-school.
Transitioning to high school can be a major adjustment for both students and parents as they encounter the rigor of today’s high school climate while also setting the groundwork for their post-secondary placement. Transition programs for incoming students are provided and students receive academic and social support as needed as it is our mission to help every student develop the skills to maximize his/her potential.
Planning Timelines and Checklists - Freshman Year
When you first begin high school, graduation may seem like a distant goal. However, in a few short years, you may be applying to college(s) or going into the workforce! The grades you earn in freshman year influence your options in your senior year. You do not want to look back on your freshman year grades and wish you had done better. If you find yourself struggling, seek out help early on by asking your teacher for extra help, seeking out tutoring options, or utilizing other free community resources. Do not wait until you are too far behind to catch up!
Make sure you talk to your counselor about the different diploma tracks and courses available to you. If you are working towards the Academic Honors Diploma or Technical Honors Diploma, make sure you check out the requirements for these diplomas as they have additional requirements beyond the Core 40 diploma. If there is a specific career you are interested in, make sure you are checking to see if CPHS offers any courses that may be beneficial.
When you begin to think about scheduling classes for your sophomore year, keep in mind that colleges look at the classes you choose to take. You should take a rigorous curriculum that includes courses that both interest and challenge you. It is very easy to bring your GPA down, but it is not easy to bring it back up.
Most students change their mind about their career paths at least once or twice during the course of high school, so it’s important that you stay knowledgeable about what career you are interested in and which courses would be most beneficial for you to take.
Bulldog Rush 2024-2025
August 9, 2024
Bulldog Rush is the annual orientation experience for incoming freshmen at Crown Point High School. This year, Bulldog Rush will be held on Friday August 9, 2024. We cordially invite all of our incoming freshmen to attend this special orientation event!
During Bulldog Rush, freshmen students will be provided with an hour-long tour of the school. During this tour, students will be able to locate the classrooms on their schedule, find their locker, and pick up a free t-shirt! Students will then attend four breakout sessions. During these breakout sessions, students will receive information about the daily schedule, student supports, school technology, and more. Students will attend presentations hosted by school counselors, staff and student leaders. Finally, incoming freshmen students will have the chance to meet our extra-curricular club sponsors and sign up for clubs.
On Friday, August 9, there will be a morning and an afternoon session.
- We respectfully ask that all students with last name A-K attend from 8am until 11am
- Students should be picked up at 11am
- We respectfully ask that all students with last name L-Z to attend from Noon until 3pm
- Students should be picked up at 3pm
In order to ensure that students have a safe, organized, and meaningful orientation experience we ask all families to adhere to their assigned orientation time. If you are not able to attend during your scheduled time, please contact Vince Bauters either by phone (219-663-4885 Extension 11016) or email (