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Community/Service Learning


The CPHS Service Learning program grew out of the recognition that service to the school and to the community provides a valuable learning experience for young people. A service experience fosters responsibility, encourages compassion for others, and installs a desire to participate in society as active citizens.

The goal of the program is two-fold, comprised of a service and an educational component. The ‘service’ goals include engaging youth with persons of all ages and providing needed hands to school personnel and community agencies. The ‘learning’ goals include increasing students’ awareness of social and political issues, enabling them to explore areas of career interest, and cultivating personal growth as they develop reliability, maturity, promptness, sensitivity, and the recognition that they can make a difference.

Each student must complete 40 hours of community service by the end of 12th grade to be eligible for graduation. It is suggested that you complete 10 hours per year but not mandatory. This requirement began with the class of 2009 and can be completed anytime throughout the course of high school prior to graduation. If you are a new student, community service obligations are based on current grade at enrollment.  For example: incoming freshmen need to complete 40, sophomore 30, junior 20, senior 10.


Service Learning Guidelines:

Ideally, service projects move students into the community to:

  • provide a real benefit to the community,
  • enhance student learning,
  • develop student civic engagement skills,
  • expose students to community issues and organizations, and
  • expand student career choices.

In addition, the following guidelines must be followed for in-school service projects:

  • If are unsure if an event or project is acceptable, get approval from the guidance office or a principal.  Remember to check your Naviance Account email for any Community Service Opportunities that may be announced by CPHS or any request from outside organizations.

The following examples demonstrate what can and what cannot qualify for Service Learning Credit:

APPROVED: A student, or group of students, works with a teacher to implement a unit by providing input on curriculum, tutoring assistance, observing and delivering a lesson and debriefing the experience with the teacher. AND/ OR… A student or group of students in a math class may work with a coach or gather statistical data and provide regular reports. These statistics ideally become information that the math teacher utilizes to enhance learning in the classroom.

NOT APPROVED: A student, or group of students, working and receiving pay for their services. Any service for a profit organization. All community service should be done for a non-profit organization.


Getting Started:

Step 1:  Decide what type of activity you would like to do or what non-profit organization you would like to work with. If you do not have any ideas, you may contact your local churches, YMCA, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, police departments, fire departments, etc.

Step 2:  Contact the agency and apply/volunteer to serve.

Step 3:  Take the Community Service Form to the perspective supervisor and complete with appropriate signatures.

Step 4:  Return the “Community Service” form to the Main Office.